Here are a few things that you may have forgotten as well:
1. M2 PRO were sold with a "promise" to be an LPWAN device that connects to blockchain. It still does that and receive mining rewards. BTC were testnet along with DHX to venture a way forward for multi-token mining. It does that now. For NEO, DOGE mining is still in plan. "Zero exit liquidity" - we have refilled the liquidity pools for 2 ISO tokens yesterday. How much of that remains depends on other miners and traders.
2. Fees are part of being on-chain. Will you complain about having to pay ETH gas fee when using Ethereum? Or when using Solana? Or when using BTC chain? On-chain transactions require on-chain fees. That's how blockchain works. If you are not happy with paying on-chain fees, then you should have raised your voice against those who were making us move away from DataDash. When we were on DataDash there were no on-chain fees because it used a centralized server. Then people wanted on-chain mining and self custody. So we provided that. Then now the concerns are about the byproduct of on-chain mining and self custody. We cannot change how blockchain works.